Gastric Sleeve vs. Bypass Surgery: What Is the Difference?

When learning about your weight loss surgery options, you need to know what’s involved, how they’re similar, and how they differ. Then you can make the best choice for you.
When you come in to consult with Dr. Aliu O. Sanni at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery in Snellville, Georgia, he may recommend a gastric sleeve or a gastric bypass procedure. He and our team are experts in both.
Let’s look at what these options offer.
Gastric sleeve explained
Gastric sleeve surgery is also called a sleeve gastrectomy. It’s the most common weight loss procedure in the world.
The surgery involves removing about 80% of your stomach. We shape the remaining portion into a sleeve or tube about the size of a banana.
To perform your surgery, Dr. Sanni uses the da Vinci® robotic surgical system, which offers a minimally invasive option, making very small incisions. The benefits of laparoscopic surgery include minimal risk for complications and a fairly quick recovery with little pain.
Once Dr. Sanni reshapes your stomach, he closes your incisions, and your surgery is complete.
You begin to experience weight loss because you feel full quickly, so you stop eating sooner and don’t eat as much. The surgery also removes the portion of your stomach that produces the hormone called ghrelin, which is associated with hunger.
Gastric bypass explained
Gastric bypass involves changing how you digest food. The surgery works to route the food you eat to an area of your stomach that attaches to your small intestine. The procedure limits the number of calories you can get from food, helping you lose a great deal of weight after your surgery.
Dr. Sanni uses the da Vinci robotic system for this surgery as well. He makes small incisions to gain access to your stomach. He then divides your stomach into two sections — a small section at the top and a larger one at the bottom.
He reroutes your small bowel, providing an outlet to your small stomach while keeping the flow of digestive juices at the same time.
Your lower stomach is bypassed, causing food to enter the second part of the small bowel, which limits the amount of food your body can absorb.
After your surgery, it’s imperative that you follow the diet we recommend. You should also plan to make exercise a part of your daily life for the most successful results.
Similarities and differences
Both procedures are similar in that they both help you lose weight. But with a gastric sleeve, a portion of your stomach is removed. With gastric bypass surgery, your intestines are rearranged, leaving a portion of your stomach dormant. You can also lose more weight after gastric bypass.
To learn more about your weight loss surgery options or to find out if a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass might be right for you, call our friendly office staff today at 201-565-0876 or click here to schedule an appointment online.
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