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Patient Success Stories





Lori A.

I have felt SO BAD FOR SO LONG, I just didn’t want to be alive anymore. I would get out of bed hurting so badly that my mind could only go FROM ONE CHAIR TO THE NEXT. That thought process had become my WAY OF LIFE.

I NEEDED HELP!!! Did some research, found DR SANNI & TRACY.

I must change to live!!! In tears every night from pain, I finally decided I needed help after a life style of gaining & loosing, trying every DIET, AND GETTING NOWHERE.’

MY LIFE HAS CHANGED FOREVER. IT A NEW WAY OF LIFE. Learning your triggers, what and who they are, keeping in contact with your new medical, emotional family and learning to love yourself. I’m not where I want to be yet, but on MY WAY TO A BETTER ME.




Teresa H.
My testimony… After suffering with Lupus and intestinal lung disease for many years and wearing oxygen, trying numerous diets,I had became obese and unable to live my best life. Until one day, as I was visiting my love at Eastside Hospital, a young lady approached me out of no where. She was Adamant about why was I wearing oxygen? I was to young….. I began to tell her my struggles in life, she abruptly cut me off, saying No…. I have a doctor that will take care of you, he will change your life and you will love him…The look on my face was of disbelief, like is she serious…. she gave me his contact information, I made the consultation appointment, told Dr. SANNI my struggle, from there my life changed forever…..I’m forever grateful for (Maria) and wished that I could meet her, to thank her for seeing in me my future that I didn’t see myself…. I love Dr.Sanni from my . He has given me a purpose to keep striving for success… Although it’s not easy sometimes, I just reflect on what he shared with me about why he committed to do my surgery with all my health concerns… He keeps me grounded in my why!! Thank you to the entire team for believing in me, and helping me on my journey…

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*Results may vary


Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery
2085 McGee Road
Snellville, GA 30078
Phone: 201-565-0876
Fax: 770-559-0821

Office Hours

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