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Hernia Repair Specialist

Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery

Aliu O. Sanni, MD, FACS

Bariatric & General Surgery & GERD/Reflux Specialist located in Snellville, GA

If you’re obese or if heavy lifting is part of your job, your risks for developing a painful, bulging hernia increases. At Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery, Aliu Sanni, MD, FACS, and the surgical team offer comprehensive care for different types of hernias. The Snellville, Georgia, office features the advanced da Vinci® robotic surgical system to safely repair hernias without large incisions or extended downtime. To schedule a hernia repair consultation, call Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery or book an appointment online today.

Hernia Repair Q&A

What is a hernia?

A hernia occurs when one of your internal organs pushes through a weak spot in your tissues or muscles. The weak spot can develop because of age-related changes in your body, repeated abdominal strains, obesity, and frequent constipation.

There are several types of hernias the team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery treats including:

Hiatal hernia

A hiatal hernia is a condition that develops when part of your stomach pushes up into your chest cavity through a weak spot in your diaphragm.

Umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia occurs when part of your intestines push through your abdomen near your belly button.

Inguinal hernia

An inguinal hernia develops when fatty tissue or a part of your intestine pushes into the inguinal canal, the area of your groin at the top of your thigh. In men, this canal contains the spermatic cord and vessels that supply blood to the testicles. In women, the canal supports the womb.

What are the symptoms of a hernia?

An inguinal hernia and umbilical hemorrhoids can cause a visible bulge in your abdomen or groin. You might be able to push the bulge back in or see it disappear when you lie down.

You might also experience symptoms like:

  • Groin aches
  • Bowel fullness
  • Pain near the bulge
  • Difficulty lifting heavy objects

If you have a hiatal hernia, the symptoms you experience can interfere with the digestive process. You might have difficulty swallowing, frequent heartburn, and recurrent regurgitation. Hiatal hernias can also cause chest pain.

What treatments are available for hernia repair?

Hernias typically won’t heal themselves and you’ll need surgery to repair the weak point in your muscle. Without treatment, a hernia can become more complicated and more painful. It can also cause an obstruction in your intestines that cuts off your blood supply. This could become a life-threatening situation if it’s not treated.

The team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery offers comprehensive hernia repair surgery. They believe quality care is key and focus on using minimally invasive surgical techniques involving the da Vinci robotic surgery system to reposition your organs into the proper place. They also close the weak spot in your muscles or tissue to prevent recurrent hernias.

The da Vinci system requires only small incisions to access the hernia. This helps you recover faster, with less pain and with less risk for post-surgical complications.

If you have symptoms of a hernia and need hernia repair surgery, call Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery or schedule an appointment online today.