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Publications Featuring Dr. Sanni And/or His Students

  1. A Dicks, A Farinas, C Pico, A Postoev, C Ibikunle, A Sanni. Placement of Routine Abdominal Drains for the Detection of Postoperative leaks and complications after Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery. J American College of Surgeons 2016 Oct;223(4): S2: e71-72.
  2. J Chung, A Postoev, A Filatov L Ladoris, A Farinas, C Pico, A Postoev, C Ibikunle, A Sanni. Postoperative outcomes of Surgical Sutureless Aortic Valve Replacement vs Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation for Severe Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis. J American College of Surgeons 2015 Oct;221(4): S1:S26
  3. A Postoev, J Chung, A Filatov, L Latin, A Farinas, C Pico, A Postoev, C Ibikunle, A Sanni. Robotic colectomy vs laparoscopic colectomy: a cost benefit analysis. J American College of Surgeons 2015 Oct;221(4): S1: e65-e66.
  4. C Lo, L Latin, A Farinas, C Pico, A Postoev, C Ibikunle, A Sanni. Does single port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy result in improved short-term perioperative outcomes compared to conventional multi-port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Int Journal of Surgery 2015 Oct; 22:67-71.
  5. L Latin, C Lo, A Sanni, C Ibikunle, A Farinas, C Pico, A Postoev. Are the postoperative outcomes of malabsorptive bariatric procedures truly superior to restrictive bariatric procedures? Surgery for Obesity & Related Diseases 2015 Nov-Dec;11(6): S1:S164-165.
  6. C Lo, L Latin, C Ibikunle, A Postoev, A Sanni. Perioperative outcomes of single port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy versus conventional multi-port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Surgery for Obesity & Related Diseases 2015 Nov-Dec 2015;11(6): S1:S193-194.
  7. K Wirth, B Malone, K Barrera, W Widmann, C Turner, R Schulze, A Sanni. A structured Teaching Curriculum for Medical Students Improves Their Performance on the NBME Shelf Examination in Surgery. American Journal of Surgery 2015 Apr;209(4):765-70
  8. JP Toro, E Lin, AD Patel, SS Davis, A Sanni, HD Urrego, JF Sweeney, JK Srinivasan, W Small, P Mittal, A Sekhar, CC Moreno. Association of radiographic morphology with early gastroesophageal reflux disease and satiety control after sleeve gastrectomy. J Am Coll Surg 2014 Sep;219(3):430-8
  9. A Sanni, S Perez, R Medbery, HD Urrego, C McCready, AD Patel, E Lin, JF Sweeney, SS Davis. Postoperative complications in bariatric surgery using age and BMI stratification: a study using ACS-NSQIP data. Surg Endosc.2014 Dec ;28(12):3302-9
  10. HD Urrego, A Sanni, JP Toro, N Lytle, C McCready, SS Davis, J Sweeney, E Lin, AD Patel. Out by 3:30- A Study in Robotic Bariatric Surgery Efficiency. Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care 2014; 9(2):55-60.
  11. K Wirth, B Malone, K Barrera, W Widmann, C Turner, A Sanni. Is there a place for medical students as teachers in the education of junior residents? American Journal of Surgery doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.11.001
  12. E Maio, V Lau, K Barrera, M Klein, C Turner, A Sanni. The Effectiveness of a structured daily teaching curriculum on Medical student performance on a General Surgery Clerkship. J Surg Research 2013 Feb; 179(2):338-338.
  13. V Lau, E Maio, K Barrera, M Klein, C Turner, A Sanni. Medical Students as Resident Educators on a General Surgery Service. J Surg Research 2013;179(2):338-338
  14. K Barrera, M Klein, V Lau, E Miao, C Turner, A Sanni. Residents as Teachers: Can We Make a Lesson Plan? J Surg Research 2013 Feb:179(2):188-188
  15. M Klein, K Barrera, E Maio, V Lau, C Turner, A Sanni. Inductive or Deductive Teaching of Medical Students on a General Surgery Clerkship. J Surg Research 2013 Feb:179(2):338-338
  16. B Malone, S Hasan, Sanni A, J Reilly. Mismatch of Cultural Dimensions in an Urban Medical Educational Environment. Journal of Biomedical Education doi:10.1155/2013/617674
  17. K Wirth, P Patcha, P Leung, Sanni A. Perceived Quality Improvements Using Daily Allocation of Surgical Residents to the Operating Room and Outpatient Clinics. Journal of Biomedical Education doi:10.1155/2013/164746.
  18. B Malone, S Kleyman, Sanni A, N Sumrani, D Distant. Salmonella appendicitis in renal transplantation- Case reports in Transplantation 2013 doi:10.1155/2013/402735.
  19. Kleyman S, Logue L, Lau V, Maio E, Sanni A, Khan F. Ileal Diverticulitis- an uncommon diagnosis for right lower quadrant pain Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2012(11). doi:10.1093/jscr/rjs010.
  20. Kleyman S, Ashraf S, Daniel S, Ananthan D, A Sanni, Khan F. Pericecal Hernia- A rare form of internal hernias- Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2012. doi:10.1093/jscr/rjs.
  21. A Sanni, S Ikponmwosa, D Golio, K Tehrani. The Use of Mitomycin C and Keloid Scar Recurrence.Pl & Recon Surg 2010(9). doi: 10.1097/01.prs.0000388720.39193.4d
  22. Wilson CH, Sanni A, Rix DA, Soomro NA. Laparoscopic versus open nephrectomy for live donors- Cochrane Database System review 2011. Nov 9;11: CD006124
  23. Khurram MA, Sanni AO, Rix D, Talbot D. Renal Transplantation with kidneys affected by tumours- International Journal of Nephrology 2011 Jan 18;2010:529080.
  24. Sohrabi S, Navarro AP, Wilson C, Sanni A, Wyrley-Birch H, Anand DV, Reddy M, Rix D, Jacques B, Manas D, Talbot D. Donation after cardiac death kidneys with low severity pre-arrest acute renal failure. American Journal of Transplant. 2007 March; 7(3):571-5.
  25. Sanni A, Wilson CH, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Navarro A, Sohrabi S, Jaques B, Rix D, Soomro N, Manas D, Talbot D. Donor risk factors for renal graft thrombosis-Transplantation proceedings 2007 Jan-Feb; 39(1): 138-9.
  26. Sanni A, Wilson CH, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Navarro A, Sohrabi S, Jaques B, Rix D, Soomro N, Manas D, Talbot D. Non-heart beating kidney transplantation: 6 year outcomes- Transplantation proceedings 2006 Dec; 38(10): 3396-7.
  27. Sanni A, Asher J, Wilson CH, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, O’Sullivan C, Jaques B, Talbot D, Manas D. Predisposing factors for biliary complications following liver transplantation. – Transplantation proceedings 2006 Oct; 38(8): 2677-8.
  28. Sanni A, Wilson C, Rix D, Soomro N. Laparoscopic versus Open Nephrectomy for live kidney donors (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews 2006. Issue 3.doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006124
  29. Sanni A, Dunning J. Staples or sutures for chest and leg wounds following cardiovascular surgery. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery doi: 10.1510/icvts.2006.151076
  30. Sanni A, Critchley A, Dunning J. Should chest drains be put on suction or not following pulmonary lobectomy? – Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2006 Jun; 5:275-278.
  31. Sanni A, Hamid A, Dunning J. Is sympathectomy of benefit in no treatment critical leg ischemia? – Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 4 (2005) 478-483
  32. Sanni A, Mahawar K, Jones NAG. Iatrogenic femoropopliteal graft entrapment leading to thrombus formation –Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2005 Oct; 30 (4): 402-403.
  33. Sanni A, Dunning J. Is transmyocardial revascularisation of benefit in addition to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft for patients with diffuse coronary arteries? – Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 3 (2004) 581-585.
  34. Sanni A, Dunning J. Is transmyocardial revascularisation of benefit to people with no option angina? -Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 3 (2004) 586-592
  35. Rostron A, Sanni A, Dunning J. Does Magnesium prophylaxis reduce the incidence of Atrial Fibrillation following coronary artery bypass surgery-Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery4 (2005) 52-58
  36. Gujadhur R, Helme BW, Sanni A, Dunning J. Continuous subglottic suctioning is effective for prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia- Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery4 (2005) 110-115.
  37. Sohrabi S, Navarro A, Wilson C, Sanni A, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Reddy M, Rix D, Jaques B, Manas D, Talbot D. Diabetic donors as a source of non-heart beating renal transplants. Transplant proceedings 2006 Dec; 38(10): 3402-3.
  38. Navarro AP, Sohrabi S, Wilson C, Sanni A, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Reddy M, Rix D, Manas D, Talbot D. Renal transplants from category III non-heart beating donors with evidence of pre-arrest acute renal failure. Transplant Proceedings 2006 Oct; 38(8): 2635-6.
  39. Sohrabi S, Navarro A, Wilson C, Sanni A, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Reddy M, Rix D, Talbot D. Renal graft function after prolonged agonal time in non-heart-beating. Transplant Proceedings 2006 Dec; 38(10): 3400-1.
  40. Navarro AP, Sohrabi S, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Wilson C, Sanni A, Reddy M, Manas D, Rix D, Talbot D. Dual renal transplantation for kidneys from marginal non-heart beating donors. Transplant Proceedings 2006 Oct; 38(8): 2633-4.
  41. Sohrabi S, Navarro A, Asher J, Wilson C, Sanni A, Wyrley-Birch H, Vijayanand D, Reddy M, Rix D, Jaques B, Manas D, Talbot D. Agonal period in potential non-heart beating donors. Transplant Proceedings 2006 Oct; 38(8): 2629-30
  42. Sanni A, Chapter 2: Assessment of adult potential recipients in Talbot et al Renal Transplantation (Oxford Specialist Handbook Series), Pg. 9-33 Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-19-921566-9
  43. Sanni A, Chapter 17: Post transplant malignancies in Talbot et al Renal Transplantation (Oxford Specialist Handbook Series), Pg. 357-373 Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-19-921566-9
  44. Sanni A, Chapter 20: Kidney transplantation with another organ in Talbot et al Renal Transplantation (Oxford Specialist Handbook Series), Pg. 407-426 Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-19-921566-9


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