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Gastric Sleeve Specialist

Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery

Aliu O. Sanni, MD, FACS

Bariatric & General Surgery & GERD/Reflux Specialist located in Snellville, GA

Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective way to promote healthy, safe weight loss when diet and exercise aren’t enough. At Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery, Aliu Sanni, MD, FACS, and the team specialize in minimally invasive gastric sleeve surgery using the da Vinci® robotic surgery system to help you lose weight and improve your quality of life. They provide the highest quality of surgical care and carefully monitor your results to support your weight loss journey. Call the Snellville, Georgia, bariatric surgery office to schedule a gastric sleeve consultation or book one online today.

Gastric Sleeve Q&A

What is a gastric sleeve?

A gastric sleeve is a type of bariatric surgery that helps you lose weight by altering the size of your stomach.

The team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery believes that quality care is key, so they use the da Vinci robotic surgery system to reduce the size of your stomach. Through small incisions, your bariatric surgeon removes about 80% of your stomach. They form the remaining portion into a tube that resembles the size and shape of a banana.

The smaller stomach size restricts how much food you can eat to support healthy weight loss. The surgery also triggers hormone changes that affect your metabolism and your blood pressure.

Am I a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

The team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery can determine if you’re a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery during a comprehensive health evaluation. They may suggest a medically supervised weight-loss program before considering you for surgery.

If you’re not able to lose weight through diet and exercise and your weight is putting you at risk for long-term health complications, the team may approve you for gastric sleeve surgery. These weight-related issues may include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure

The bariatric specialists review your weight-loss surgery options and your expectations for results before suggesting surgery. You also need to commit to the lifestyle and diet modifications that are necessary for the rest of your life after your surgery is complete.

What can I expect in preperation for gastric sleeve surgery?

The team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery designs a gastric sleeve program to your specific body and situation. As part of the program, you can expect:

  • Initial consultation and education
  • Monthly weigh-ins
  • Nutritionist appointments
  • Expectation and risk discussions
  • Bariatrics educational seminar
  • Initial health screenings

What can I expect after gastric sleeve surgery?
You can expect to need time to recover from your surgery and will begin with a diet of sugar-free liquids for the first seven days. Over time, you can begin eating soft foods until you can resume your normal diet.

The team at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery works closely with you to adjust your food portions. You also need to take a multivitamin and other supplements to ensure your body is getting sufficient nutrients.

You will continue meeting with the bariatric team to track your weight-loss results. Many people experience rapid weight loss in the first six months and the team will help you work toward reaching your weight loss goals. You also have access to support group meetings for two years. 

As part of your aftercare, you can expect to schedule biweekly, post-op appointments for the first month, quarterly appointments for the first year, and biannual visits for the following two years.

To find out if gastric sleeve surgery is right for you by calling Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery or by scheduling a consultation online today.