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Is a Gastric Sleeve Right for Me?

Many people struggle with carrying around a few extra pounds. In the United States, approximately 73% of adults are overweight or obese, and 19% of children are obese. 

This extra body fat can have a lot of negative impacts on your health, increasing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, joint issues, and cancer. However, losing that extra weight is a challenge that isn’t always solved by just eating better and exercising regularly.

At Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery in Snellville, Georgia, we understand that losing weight is really tough for many people, and how frustrating that can be. We provide the support and treatment you need for effective, long-term weight loss

Skilled and compassionate bariatric and general surgeon Aliu Sanni, MD, FACS, provides truly customized, high-quality care to help his patients achieve their weight loss goals. Supported by his friendly and experienced staff, Dr. Sanni offers effective treatment options and support that allow you to lose that extra weight and keep it off long term.

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure that reduces the size of your stomach, which limits the amount of food you can eat at any one time. This procedure, also called vertical sleeve gastrectomy, causes changes in your hormones that can help reduce your appetite and control your blood sugar.

Having a gastric sleeve procedure can help support you losing those extra pounds and being as healthy as you can be. At Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery, we offer minimally invasive robotic gastric sleeve surgery using the da Vinci® robotic surgery system.

Is gastric sleeve surgery right for me?

We know that it can be difficult to understand complex medical procedures and determine whether they are right for you. Dr. Sanni takes the time to get to know you and understand your unique situation and concerns in order to help you decide the best course of treatment.

At your first appointment, Dr. Sanni completes a comprehensive medical exam. He talks to you about your current health concerns, and reviews your medical history and current prescriptions. 

If needed, he may order tests that give him more information to understand your current health status. Dr. Sanni discusses your health goals, and then works with you to develop a treatment plan that supports you achieving them. 

Dr. Sanni may recommend a gastric sleeve if previous efforts to lose your extra weight haven’t been effective, and if you currently have or are at risk for significant health complications that are related to being overweight, including:

Before moving forward, Dr. Sanni takes the time to explain to you what the procedure entails, and answer any questions you may have. In addition, he makes sure you understand that you need to make certain changes to your diet and lifestyle in order for the procedure to be effective in the long term.

To learn more about gastric sleeve surgery, set up a consultation today by calling our office, texting us, or using our online appointment booking system.

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