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What Will My Diet Look Like After My Gastric Sleeve Procedure?

If you’re about to have a gastric sleeve procedure, you’re making a significant step toward achieving your weight loss and health goals. But it’s just the beginning of your journey.

Here at Eastside Bariatric & General Surgery, our surgeon, Aliu O. Sanni, MD, guides you through the process of what to expect after your surgery. Much of your success lies in adopting a new approach to eating that ensures proper healing, nutrition, and sustained weight loss. 

Here's what your diet may look like after your gastric sleeve procedure.

The first few days: clear liquids

Immediately following your surgery, your stomach needs time to heal. During the first few days, you’re on a clear liquid diet. This includes:

During this phase, focus on staying hydrated while avoiding any strain on your stomach.

Week 1-2: full liquids

As your recovery progresses, you transition to a full liquid diet. This stage allows for slightly thicker liquids like protein shakes, milk, strained soups, and sugar-free yogurt. 

Protein is key during this phase to help your body heal and maintain muscle mass. Do your best to consume 60-80 grams of protein daily.

Week 3-4: pureed foods

Once Dr. Sanni clears you, you can move to pureed foods. This stage includes soft, blended foods like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and pureed vegetables or fruits. 

Continue focusing on protein-rich options, and avoid added sugars or high-fat foods.

Week 5-6: soft foods

After the pureed phase, you incorporate soft, solid foods. Examples include:

Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and pay close attention to your body's signals to avoid discomfort or overeating.

Beyond week 6: regular foods

Around six weeks postsurgery, you begin to reintroduce most regular foods. But your portion sizes will be much smaller than before, and you need to avoid foods high in sugar, fat, or empty calories. 

Foods like lean proteins, fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains should form the cornerstone of your meals.

Long-term habits for success

A gastric sleeve procedure helps you eat less by reducing your stomach size, but it’s not a cure-all. Developing healthy eating habits is vital for long-term success. 

Here are some tips:

Eat mindfully

Take small bites, chew thoroughly, and savor your meals.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water, but avoid drinking during meals to prevent overfilling your stomach.

Avoid problem foods

Steer clear of fried foods, sugary snacks, carbonated beverages, and alcohol.

Supplement wisely

Our nutritionist may recommend vitamins and minerals to prevent deficiencies.

Following Dr. Sanni’s dietary guidelines and committing to a healthier lifestyle can help you maximize the benefits of your gastric sleeve procedure and achieve lasting success.

If you’re scheduled for a gastric sleeve procedure, we want you to feel confident about the process and what to expect afterward.

Schedule an appointment today at our office in Snellville, Georgia, to learn more.

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